The Ten Commandments of Sales Enablement

Is your sales enablement program not working out as expected? It could be because you — and the people on your team — aren’t playing by the rules.

Here are our ten commandments of sales enablement. Following them will take you to sales heaven. Break them and you take matters into your own hands.

1. Thou shalt… Believe that sales enablement is your single source of truth.

One of the biggest benefits provided by a sales enablement system is that it’s your one stop shop for all things sales and marketing. From collateral to training and case studies to data, your sales enablement app is the one place everyone on your sales and marketing teams should turn to when they need to share or get access to anything related to these disciplines. It prevents the chaos that results from storing things in different systems.

When they work through a single source of information, everyone at your organization will be singing from the same marketing and sales hymn book. Not only that, it will make them more efficient because they won’t be wasting time looking for stuff in a lot of different locations.

Did you know: According to some studies, sales reps waste more than a week of time each month searching for sales collateral and other materials? That means a sales enablement system, used right, could make them a LOT more efficient and effective.

2. Thou shalt… Share ALL collateral through your sales enablement system. Period.

Selling is becoming more complicated than ever before. More engagements are taking place virtually and digital transformation makes it possible for sales meetings to happen with little or no notice.

Distributing sales content through a sales enablement app makes it possible to access it any place, any time, with or without wifi. Reps can also customize it on the fly, making it possible to deliver a personalized sales experience almost instantly.

No file server is able to do anything like that.

3. Thou shalt… Integrate your sales enablement system with your CRM.

If you want to take your sales to the ultimate level, integrate your customer relationship management (CRM) and your sales enablement systems together. It’s the only way to get a complete picture of all that’s happening in your sales and marketing departments. Separate systems are good. An integrated network takes things to the ultimate level.

Did you know: Mobile Locker’s sales enablement system is able to easily integrate with virtually any CRM? Check us out online to learn more.

4. Thou shalt… Analyze your data.

Your sales enablement system, if set up correctly, should be your single source of data and analytics for all your sales and marketing activities. It gives you the power to figure out what’s working and what’s not, in real time. This allows you to fine tune your marketing campaigns and sales strategies quickly. It makes it possible for you to take advantage of emerging opportunities.

This is particularly important during dynamic times like these when things are changing at a rapid pace. It helps you get a jump on the competition so you can win at the selling game.

5. Thou shalt… Encourage marketing and sales to work together.

The number one sin at most businesses is that marketing and sales just don’t get along. They don’t see the world in the same way because they’re typically working toward different goals and using their own systems to get the job done.

A sales enablement solution is EXACTLY that, a solution. If you leverage it correctly, you can create a unified workforce focused on a common set of goals. Your sales and marketing teams will work together to create compelling, engaging content that closes deals.

Remember: A house divided against itself cannot stand.

6. Thou shalt… Personalize every buyer’s experience.

Your business may sell a finite menu of products and services. But that doesn’t mean the people who buy them — or their reasons for purchasing — are the same.

A sales enablement app allows your sales reps to customize and personalize each buyer’s experience — and the content they use to support it — so it’s totally aligned with their needs and expectations. Your salespeople won’t have to force purchasers to fit into your sales process. They’ll be able to meet them where it matters by adapting to their buying process.

Before going into any sales situation, your reps will be able to quickly select the right case studies, product demonstrations and other sales resources for each prospect and adapt them to speak to their needs.

Remember: Buyer personas are valuable, but they aren’t actual buyers. They help marketers develop a library of sales materials that could be right for each customer type. Sales enablement allows your reps to customize them to make them absolutely perfect for each prospect. It will make your buyers feel heard, understood and valued.

7. Thou shalt… Train your reps.

One of the biggest sins businesses make is hiring new reps… and that’s it. They provide no — or little — onboarding or ongoing training. This limits their productivity and revenue generation potential in the immediate and long term. History shows that reps who aren’t successful move on to the next opportunity, which leads to increased turnover and the high costs associated with recruiting new sales people. Not only that, untrained reps might say and do things during sales meetings that could do significant damage to your brand.

A sales enablement system, like the one developed by Mobile Locker, makes it easy for businesses to distribute sales training materials to reps and monitor progress toward completion. You’ll be able to rest assured knowing your sales people have the knowledge they need to deliver the optimal customer experience every time.

8. Thou shalt… Provide universal accessibility.

How many times have your reps been caught without wifi service during a sales meeting? Or had to change devices at the last minute?

When it comes to selling, the unexpected is the expected. The right sales enablement system is your insurance that when things go wrong — which they will — that your sales reps can recover. It provides instant access to content with or without internet connectivity on virtually any device.

9. Thou shalt… Make it easy to close deals.

The final hurdle to sealing the deal is making the closing process as simple and easy as possible. A sales enablement system allows your reps to make it a seamless part of the sales process. You can move from selling to signing contracts in an instant. There’s none of the hesitation gives buyers time to think twice. If you set things up correctly, your close rate should increase significantly with little or no added effort.

10. Thou shalt… Plan for scale.

If you do sales enablement right, it’s likely that your business will grow. Make sure your sales enablement system can grow with you. Mobile Locker’s solution has been designed for success. It can be simply, easily and affordably adapted no matter where your business goes in the future. All you need to do is speak to one of our friendly customer service reps and they’ll work with you to adapt your system to meet the needs of your growing business.

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